Friday, 18 November 2016

Just another book

 She sat on the river bank,
A little girl trapped in a book,
Her eyes glued to the pages,
Away she didn’t dare to look.

The area was abandoned,
She found it perfect to read,
The book is about a leader,
Who found it perfect to lead.

Her hair covered her beauty,
But she really didn’t care,
What was without the beauty on the inside?
The outside so bare.

She read the last page,
But didn’t want the book to end,
However, everything that starts finds a finish,
Just around the river bend.

Finally she tore her gaze,
Thinking about the leader,
You’d think just another book would have no effect,
On such a voracious reader.

But the book triggered a part of her,
She never knew she had,
She thought so much about the book,
It would have driven her mad.

But then she went to the library,
And a book caught her eye,
And when she started reading it,
Oh my, oh my, oh my!!